
2012-12-17 Dr. Steven Greer : The Truth About the End of NASA's Shuttle Program - (September 23rd, 2011)

Dr. Steven Greer : The Truth About the End of NASA's Shuttle Program - (September 23rd, 2011)
Update 2013-02-07: The video is no longer available at the original location as that channels account was closed for some alleged "copyright infringement" reasons.

But I found another instance of it here:
(At least I'm guessing it is that same video.)

'Energiereichtum' - 2011-09-23 | Dr. Ted Loder, Dr. Steven Greer: The real story about the end of NASA's shuttle program


2012-12-15 Other dots from the field of education

I just stumbled upon this video, of someone, who seems to be a true, wholehearted teacher,
who left the public school system.
He gives his reasons in this video - quite enlightening!

'Stephen Round' - RI Teacher Says"I Quit!"

Just thinking about it, maybe, I'll add another related video.

2012-12-15 Rant: Brainwashed irrational earth humans

This may appear to be a rant.

If you don't like that, this may still be an opportunity
for you to stop reading and close this posting - now,
before it is too late. ;-) - continue reading on you own responsibility only!



2012-12-14 If and why

If we work together and support each other, we can accomplish anything.

We can not survive - there is hardly any point in even trying to - if we do not.


2012-12-11 Freedom of speech

If you don't have freedom of speech, it seems rather probable,
that you don't have any freedom at all.

It is the lie, that needs to make the truth unavailable in order to persist.

2012-12-11 The law

The law should be something inspired by the golden rule.
Something to the extent of "do no harm".

What you currently may refer to as laws appear to be arbitrary regulations,
that have a strong tendency to violate the law.

When you enforce victim-less "crimes", the harm is really done by the enforcer.
In such a case the probability points to the enforcement being the real crime.

The only justified "enforcement" is some that minimizes the harm done.

Shouldn't we all contribute to that?

Did I overlook some important aspects?


2012-12-04 Competition - Making others fail in order to win

Practically all evils that we face today can in some way be attributed to the principle
of "making others fail in order to win".

Alfie Kohn describes the principle of competition as
"I can only win, if you loose", mentioning examples like golf or bowling.

He describes the more extreme form of this as
"I can only win, if I make you loose", mentioning examples like tennis and war.

At least in that description I do agree with Alfie Kohn, that competition is aggression.


2012-12-02 The Zeitgeist Movement - "Defining Peace" lecture

I just stumbled upon this and thought, it could be inspirational ...
for others as well.

'Linguistic Team International' - The Zeitgeist Movement - "Defining Peace" lecture

Published 01.03.2012 by LinguisticTeamIntl
Lecture given at the end segment of the Tel Aviv, Israel / Mid-East TZM Event which occurred on Feb 6th 2012. The lecturer is Peter Joseph.

The Zeitgeist Movement:


2012-11-26 COBRA - Ishtar Antares issues

In the recent few days some reports about COBRA's identity ... came up
and as some people seem to be still interested in those issues,
I will pick that up and post the collection of those items in a more permanent form,
than a chat box with limited amounts of items in it's history would be.


2012-11-01 Culture in Decline series by Peter Joseph

Another video, I recently stumbled upon, that you readers of this blog may find interesting as well.

'Culture In Decline' - Culture in Decline | Episode #1 "What Democracy?" by Peter Joseph

'Culture In Decline' - Culture in Decline | Episode #2 "Economics 101" by Peter Joseph

Now, I see Peter Joseph making the Sign of the horns in the preview picture of the second video.
Besides the idea, that that may be a random coincidence and what I got to read in the Wikipedia
article pointed to about that, calmed me down, ;-)
I'm convinced, there are many points worth considering, that he brings up.


2012-10-31 Human Race Get Off Your Knees "The Lion Sleeps No More"

I recently came across this video, and I thought, you might want to watch it too
- if you haven't already.
David Icke shows a lot of truth about our world,
few are knowledgeable, able and brave enough to do alike.

Lets not be divided against each other.

Almost 7 Hours David Icke Non Stop - Human Race Get Off Your Knees "The Lion Sleeps No More":
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzytGJh9cBY) - no longer available. I'm replacing it with this:
'vanlakos' - David Icke - Human Race Get Off Your Knees. The Lion Sleeps No More.

(To perhaps state the obvious:
  As this is a [long] video, you can watch it piece by piece.
  Just note, how far you got and pick up from there next time.)


2012-10-24 Bruce Lipton: being a cell of humanity - creating heaven on earth - obstacles

I was so delighted, when I found this, that I thought, I'll just put that here too.

'Lilou Mace' - Bruce Lipton: being a cell of Humanity & Letting go of the illusion of separation

I found aspects like the evolution of humanity as an organism
and how two people experience heaven on earth
but then break up explained ...

But there is a lot (more) to be found in this interview.


2012-10-23 "Profit" and madness instead of truth, reason, love

2012-10-23 "Profit" and madness instead of truth, reason, love

Swine flue, bird flue, HIV/AIDS, cancer, war, starvation, poverty, ...

are all symptoms of this systems value disorder.

I'll probably only be covering a few of such aspects in this post,
but do be aware of the others and more also!

Other aspects as tools like debt based money systems, interests,
pedophilia for blackmail, black magic rituals, ... come to mind.

David Icke covers some of the not otherwise commonly known aspects
and another outlook about the very nature of reality in his speeches.

If you can invest a little time, you may want to look at
Infowars MoneyBomb 2012: David Icke.
(Don't be misled by the title of the interview show...,
 it's much more about the other mentioned subjects, than about a money bomb.)

But were you already aware that there apparently is no such thing as

the "AIDS virus" - HIV is not the cause of AIDS.


2012-10-18 Contemplating (responsibility for) (violent) acts

If you're not comfortable with looking at possibly nasty scenes in your mind ...
you may want to leave this post instead of reading it.
This is not about giving you facts or [all the] answers, rather about stimulating thought processes ...
if you can and like to use it that way.

Consider a scenario of some group having taken some hostages and now strolling about
with guns in their hands...
When one of the hostage takers suddenly shouts out to one of the hostages something like:
"You animal, you picked your nose! I'll show you, what you've done! We'll kill 10 hostages now!"


2012-10-17 FEAR - questioning some established, profitable medical myths

As picked up in Ron Van Dyke's (paradoxman316) video 15-10-2012: THE IMPORTANCE OF STAYING ATTUNED
(He doesn't seem to accept links that do not come through his facebook wall - maybe I'm exaggerating here. ;-))
FEAR  -  False Evidence Appearing Real
I'm basically compiling this from posts made at enablethelight.com [by me ;-)].
Mainly at my post New outlooks on medical issues.

I came across some aspects concerning medical issues
within the last few years and months, that seem not yet widely known,
even among people like ourselves.

I now feel, that I can no longer postpone reporting on them.

2012-10-17 Other sources about GFoP, GFoL, Ashtar Command and COBRA

(Admitting, this is not an area of my expertise, but I found the following to be interesting,
 probably also to others.)

It was part of a private discussion, but now may and should be made publicly available:

TechFormer said (Tue 2012-10-16 22:29:52 +0000):
I however think, this should be available in a more public area, if at all possible.
Would there be a reason, not to publish this?

Lozion said (Tue 2012-10-16 22:39:59 +000):
 Hey Tech, I agree and have just gotten a green light from Tanaath: "The stuff about the GFoL and Ashtar Command can and should be disseminated publicly."
...  Feel free to re-post.


2012-10-11 The "new" age of deception

The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names.
 I'd go along with that [old Chinese] proverb.

I had "new" in the title put in quotes,
as what I'm going to talk about, is not really new at all.

It's about old, seasoned ways of manipulation,
that have been applied to mankind (on earth) probably
for thousands of years.


2012-10-07 The charm of the dark masters - the vampire technique

This is NOT primarily written about COBRA!
(I actually tend to loose interest in him, and not even look at his blog that much any more.)

But I advice you, to always use your own judgment, on whatever is told to you,
whatever you may read, hear or even see (especially pictures and films)!

I'm currently not evaluating in how far this would or would not apply to COBRA,
but that does not mean anything beyond this claim!


2012-09-25 COBRA and the "Church of Scientology"?

I just stumbled upon a comment at COBRAs blog,
apparently made by a member of the "Church of Scientology",
who seems to associate himself with COBRA.

I consider it more than interesting, if COBRA would perhaps
himself be associated with the "Church of Scientology"
and I would consider it highly suspicious, if COBRA
would just avoid that question, or say, it was his private matter...

lecox September 24, 2012 9:56 PM:
"Cobra: I do not care who you are and have no particular reason to doubt your integrity.

But you DO bring up a VERY important point, and this point is too little discussed. I would be interested to know what some of your contacts think about this:

Does removing the Cabal end insanity on earth?


2012-09-03 The spirit of a wonderful future for all

Today I will remind you of a great vision, one of our wonderful visionaries had proposed.

Please have a look at "Charlie Chaplin final speech in The Great Dictator" (Youtube 04:55).

You can save a little time, by jumping directly to 01:08, if you like.

Update 2013-01-11: I suggest, you visit my other post to view the video or find it somewhere else,
as the one instance pointed to by the above link was censored $%...%$!
2013-01-11 Police & Military - Time to Choose

"... the airoplane and the radio have brought us closer together ..."
- and do not forget the internet. :-)

I like the spirit of his message and I believe, we should all embrace it!


2012-09-01 Free speech vs. "the right not to be offended"

A friend of mine once talked about "the right to free speech" vs. "the right not to be offended".

He explained that people can [choose to] be offended by anything!

And therefore a "right not to be offended" would not only be mutually exclusive with
a "right to free speech", but actually impossible!

One can easily (and probably even truthfully) claim, to be offended,
by his/her right to free speech taken away,
because another got his "right not to be offended" enforced.
Those expecting a profit by telling lies,
would probably choose to be offended, by anyone exposing the truth about them...


2012-08-27 Estimation of COBRA

Considering the latest observations of COBRAs actions (censorship)
and words (trying to brainwash people to accept and even support censorship),

I believe he could very well be here to hijack [and crash land]
the very ideas, he claimed to represent:

that there may be entities (and maybe even forces) trying to
and wanting humanity knowing [much more of] the truth and liberated.

I still believe that may be true.

I will state it again:
suppression of communication, censorship, secrecy and manipulation
are the hallmarks of the dark side, not the light side!


censorship = corruption trying to hide itself from public view

I have a strong dislike against censorship.

More often then not (if not outright always)
censorship is an expression of corruption
trying to hide itself from public view...
and thereby trying to prevent
or at least delay
the correction of the problem.

I was kind of hooked to Portal 2012 (COBRAs blog)
in the last few weeks.
It gave me hope, showed a possibility for a soon to become,
better future, with much less immediate threats and
the possibility for everyone to live free and peaceful lifes.