2012-10-23 "Profit" and madness instead of truth, reason, love
Swine flue, bird flue, HIV/AIDS, cancer, war, starvation, poverty, ...
are all symptoms of this systems value disorder.I'll probably only be covering a few of such aspects in this post,
but do be aware of the others and more also!
Other aspects as tools like debt based money systems, interests,
pedophilia for blackmail, black magic rituals, ... come to mind.
David Icke covers some of the not otherwise commonly known aspects
and another outlook about the very nature of reality in his speeches.
If you can invest a little time, you may want to look at
Infowars MoneyBomb 2012: David Icke.
(Don't be misled by the title of the interview show...,
it's much more about the other mentioned subjects, than about a money bomb.)
But were you already aware that there apparently is no such thing as
the "AIDS virus" - HIV is not the cause of AIDS.
HIV/AIDS is a fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) fueled death machine
grown in the medical church, fed by mainly corrupt main stream media ...
and used to continually make money...
It's no more backed by true science then the stereotype of a witch doctor
pointing a bone at you in order to make you die!
Of course in the case of HIV/AIDS, the [witch] doctors try to make you take
toxic chemicals to make sure, you actually die in time!
The HIV tests as such appear to be less accurate then reading tea leaves,
but use built in prejudices about races and other things to "compensate" for that!
And they don't even target HIV, but HIV antibodies, that used to prove,
that the patient is actually immune to HIV!
If there is such a thing as HIV, it is for all practical purposes harmless.
AIDS - the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is mainly caused
by toxic medication, malnutrition, drugs and similar life style issues.
A certain section of homosexuals, abusing drugs
to enable them to party without resting enough,
have unnaturally high levels of sexual performance
and abusing antibiotics to try and fight the resulting venereal diseases, ...
ruined their bodies by that kind of life style.
The result was then named AIDS...
... and it was discovered and developed as new fields of enterprise...
Some of that may have come about "by accident", but it seems
impossible to me, that this would be the only aspect of it, to say the least.
You may have gathered this from reading my post
2012-10-17 FEAR - questioning some established, profitable medical myths
already - or maybe not quite.
I will include some links to videos about that subject here,
that appeared as eye openers to me, despite the fact,
that I thought, I already knew about the basics of this subject. ;-)
Sometimes I asked myself, how it was possible, that I had not come across this material earlier.
I'll be drawing heavily, but [probably] not all ;-)
from the additions made to my topic New outlooks on medical issues,
in case, you want to also take a look there...
Other parts of this video:
Leading AIDS Dissident: David Crowe Speaks Out (Part 2 of 3)
Leading AIDS Dissident: David Crowe Speaks Out (Part 2 of 3)
We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.
William Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)
Other parts of this video:
AIDS Hoax-10 reasons HIV is not the cause of AIDS 2 Comments
AIDS Hoax-10 reasons HIV is not the cause of AIDS 3 Comments
AIDS Hoax-10 reasons HIV is not the cause of AIDS 4 Comments
AIDS Hoax-10 reasons HIV is not the cause of AIDS 5 Comments
AIDS Hoax-10 reasons HIV is not the cause of AIDS 6 Comments
AIDS Hoax-10 reasons HIV is not the cause of AIDS 7 Comments
AIDS Hoax-10 reasons HIV is not the cause of AIDS 8 Comments
AIDS Hoax-10 reasons HIV is not the cause of AIDS 9 Comments
AIDS Hoax-10 reasons HIV is not the cause of AIDS 10 Comment
AIDS Hoax-10 reasons HIV is not the cause of AIDS 11 Comment
AIDS Hoax-10 reasons HIV is not the cause of AIDS 12 Comment
AIDS Hoax-10 reasons HIV is not the cause of AIDS 13 Comment
06:20 ->TechFormer wrote:...
AIDS Hoax-10 reasons HIV is not the cause of AIDS 13 Comment
Just think about it!Has our war against AIDS completely lost it's objective?
And now only exists to serve itself
with billions of dollars flowing in
((audio gap)) ..(?)93000 AIDS organizations
we have to ask ourselves
"how hard are those people trying
to put themselves out of work by stopping AIDS?"
Is it actually considered virtuous anywhere in this society,
to put yourself out of work?
I didn't see that anywhere!
This fucked up system is so rigged, that you practically couldn't even survive without money!
Money and the power that it can buy is the central thing
and it seems the topmost thing in our distorted list of values!
Followed by a need to be important... somewhere...
And Money is the tool to make doing the wrong things virtuous!
Just compare the reputation/standing/prestige of a person out of work
- yes do contemplate that further - do you think of such as lazy sluggards,
perhaps unworthy of living ...?
Now consider, that person out of work is at least harming no one.
Now compare that to (genocidal) ones in high positions with high fortunes and incomes
- do you kind of feel unworthy if you compare yourself to rich and powerful ones?
Now think again!
The rich and powerful was able and willing to do what it took to become and stay rich...
the one out of work might not actually have had a choice at all,
but he may have refused to do the things, he considered wrong
- in more cases than you may think
and therefore is out of work - and out of income...
Now consider, who really is more virtuous?
- If you need to make such a comparison at all.
Shouldn't all people be able to live a decent life?
To make it easy for them or even allow for the possibility,
to do the right things - things that help all humanity, instead of harming.
Even doing "nothing" is better than harming!
And most probably it is even much cheaper for all of us.
Consider the cells of a [human] body - do they fight or compete with each other?
Shouldn't the cells of the body of humanity do at least as good as a single human body?
Interlude: some [history] about money sickness ...
Coincidently, I came across the following.
It relates to sanity [and relevant recent history] of money... and everything else!
1913-12-23 Federal reserve act
Another coincidence not mentioned in the film was that some industrials,
opposed to the federal reserve act, lost their lives, when the Titanic sank 1912.
"Rumor" has it, that they were invited by G.P. Morgan to talk things over,
while traveling with the Titanic, but G.P. Morgan missed the departure of the ship.
1914 there is World War I.
Yet another coincidence?
Other parts of this video:
The Feds 2 of 5
The Feds 3 of 5
The Feds 4 of 5 (banned in Germany - for some music rights issues)
The Feds 5 of 5
The above video(s) seem to be part III of the Zeitgeist movie.
You can find it here:
Title: Zeitgeist: The Movie (2007)
Part III starts at approx. 01:16:00.
More about HIV/AIDS - things that could have been known and saved lifes for some time
The Aids Myth and Deception, The Real Disease is Malnutrition and Drugs:
Bright people bluntly speaking the truth, thank you, Dr. Robert Willner and others.
"HIV" testing with tealeaves
This show starts out with an overview - many examples about HIV "testing"...
I also listened to the following video.
Now, I think there may be a reason, the purported correlation of HIV and AIDS was first announced in
Has your world view changed already?
Do you feel [somewhat] more liberated now?
Related posts:
2012-10-17 FEAR - questioning some established, profitable medical myths
2012-12-04 Competition - Making others fail in order to win
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