
2013-10-28 Silence is - poison

"Silence is golden"?
- Perhaps, when it comes to being able to relax or do some thinking without noise...
When it comes to social/interpersonal relationships, I rather think it is a link in the chains to enslave humanity...;
a link mounted with poisonous thorns.

Only free, open, honest communication can help us heal, not hiding secrets that will harm us in the process...

I would not claim to having reached any ultimate level of wisdom at the moment, ;-)
I merely feel somewhat reminded of my general beliefs by some recently encountered videos.

I'd like to add, that the environment can be more or less conducive ...
Yet every one is part of that environment...

TEDxTalks - TEDxSinCity - Bruce Muzik - The BIG Secret Nobody Wants To Tell


2013-10-25 A few farewell videos

What I've seen from those videos so far, I found interesting ;), I hope it will be helpful.

Liam Lloyd(L1amL1oyd) - The Calling By Max Igan *Full Length*
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLj-2IJ4pdk) - account apparently closed.
Using that one instead:
'sinyourlifeaway' - The Calling By Max Igan *Full Length*


2013-10-23 The destroyer of human relations, from a victims point of view

There is some power in this world rather successful in destroying human relations - especially in stages of potential beginnings.

I'm speaking rather general, whether it would be a kind [loose] friendship or a more sexually oriented kind of relation.

In recent times, I've seen many (potential) relations go wrong - very unexpectedly.
I've seen potential friends turn into enemies, based on no obvious reasons.

I'd like to describe the patterns, that I've observed.

My most recent memories, involved email relations go bad.

I'd have few or very few contacts with someone with no big problems,
sometimes with some more or less beneficial outcomes already. So far so good.
THEN I would get a message expressing the other persons appreciation.
Immediately after that, no more communication would be possible.
- No visible interaction from either side in between!
Just a sudden unexpected switch from appreciation to totally cut communication!