
2012-08-27 Estimation of COBRA

Considering the latest observations of COBRAs actions (censorship)
and words (trying to brainwash people to accept and even support censorship),

I believe he could very well be here to hijack [and crash land]
the very ideas, he claimed to represent:

that there may be entities (and maybe even forces) trying to
and wanting humanity knowing [much more of] the truth and liberated.

I still believe that may be true.

I will state it again:
suppression of communication, censorship, secrecy and manipulation
are the hallmarks of the dark side, not the light side!


censorship = corruption trying to hide itself from public view

I have a strong dislike against censorship.

More often then not (if not outright always)
censorship is an expression of corruption
trying to hide itself from public view...
and thereby trying to prevent
or at least delay
the correction of the problem.

I was kind of hooked to Portal 2012 (COBRAs blog)
in the last few weeks.
It gave me hope, showed a possibility for a soon to become,
better future, with much less immediate threats and
the possibility for everyone to live free and peaceful lifes.