
2012-08-27 Estimation of COBRA

Considering the latest observations of COBRAs actions (censorship)
and words (trying to brainwash people to accept and even support censorship),

I believe he could very well be here to hijack [and crash land]
the very ideas, he claimed to represent:

that there may be entities (and maybe even forces) trying to
and wanting humanity knowing [much more of] the truth and liberated.

I still believe that may be true.

I will state it again:
suppression of communication, censorship, secrecy and manipulation
are the hallmarks of the dark side, not the light side!

The following relevant associations came to my mind
(The channels etc. where I found that material should be considered to be random.
I did not check out the other stuff to be found there... in detail.):

President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech version 2 (YouTube 05:24)

Dr. Robert J. Lifton on Destructive Cults (YouTube 59:52)
(Also part of this interesting talk is the topic of gurus and disciples and many more.)

Also you may consider watching some parts (or all you can find) of the series
"Goodnight sweetheart".
It is basically a humorous TV series, but it can also give some interesting ideas,
like how it can feel to be involved in secrecy... ;-)
Maybe you can start here:
Goodnight Sweetheart: Series 1, Episode 1: Rites of Passage

Somewhere I heard about an original amendment of the US constitution,
that forbade holders of some title of foreign nobility to hold any kind of
government office (or something to that extend),
that was later replaced by some entirely different meaning!

Nobility is practically never any more on the side of the people
than to consider them to be their subjects (their possession).

Exceptions may be some of those, who suddenly saw the light
and committed "class treason". (Unfortunately those tended to have
 a rather limited life span thereafter.)

While the Renaissance may be generally looked upon, as something positive,
it carries with it some basic marks of darkness:

It was at that point, where the ban on charging interest on money
and the cheap flowing money (bracteate) was abandoned.

Thereafter the wealth tended to collect in the hands of the few, rather than the many!

Banker families like the Fuggers and the Medici could flourish!
While it could be considered to be a good thing, that they spent
visible amounts of their wealth into monumental buildings,
as that compensated for some of the loss of flow of the money
brought about by the new interest system,
it did not really benefit the general population.

You might get work like building palaces,
but what good would that be,
except when you get to live in them?

Before that, the common man could live a decent life
not too much overburdened with work.

It is probably best, to doubt the truthfulness of everything,
that is presented to you in these days!

Especially if you're enticed with some [obvious] truths, that are not [easily] found elsewhere
or if someone wants you to take his words for the only truth!

In that light, all the details COBRA may have given, may be just as questionable
or nonsensical as most of those special codes he often times put out appeared.

1 comment:

  1. I think most of COBRAs statements are BS mixed with some truth - that can also be found elsewhere.

    F.e. many a secret or not so secret "society" did go bad after having been infiltrated/taken over/swallowed in some way, by the bad ones.

    Such may have happened to [nearly] every movement,
    that could have helped to free human kind,
    if it was not created by the dark ones from it's very beginning - trapping the good ones,
    that might have gotten to create such a movement themselves sometimes ...

    As I explained above, I do not think the Renaissance was anything else but loss to the common man.
    It was only good for certain small groups like bankers like the Medici, ...

    With this flowing money without interest,
    that had been in use _before_ the Renaissance took that away,
    there was also no need for additional taxes,
    only the fee for recoining the cheap coins.
    No big tendency for all the wealth collecting in few hands only.
