
2012-09-01 Free speech vs. "the right not to be offended"

A friend of mine once talked about "the right to free speech" vs. "the right not to be offended".

He explained that people can [choose to] be offended by anything!

And therefore a "right not to be offended" would not only be mutually exclusive with
a "right to free speech", but actually impossible!

One can easily (and probably even truthfully) claim, to be offended,
by his/her right to free speech taken away,
because another got his "right not to be offended" enforced.
Those expecting a profit by telling lies,
would probably choose to be offended, by anyone exposing the truth about them...

COBRA(http://2012portal.blogspot.com.au/) has again blocked new comments to his latest blog post.

This time he has not [yet] gone so far as to delete all the existing comments.
He merely deleted those, he seemed to dislike most.
It seems this portion is growing, with the resistance to his manipulative kinds of actions.

It may be or may be not, that [many of] the ones disliking his censorship (and also others)
will loose interest in coming to his blog at all, if comments are disallowed.

As he has not put out any new justifications for that yet,
he could be thinking about, if he should do that and how to exactly put that...

Consider, if such an individual, like COBRA, would be ruling your country,
would he somehow gag, lock up, ...  large portions (if not even the majority)
of the people, because they "under perform" or say or do things he
does not seem to like?
Would he bring about his new order by using a "state of emergency",
limiting and taking away the rights of the people?

This does look like I've seen it before somewhere.

While you could say, that some of such, would be unavoidable,
I don't like to see anyone in charge, who tends to like arbitrary restrictions for others,
even when not factually required.

I recall him stating something to the extend of, that he created that blog
[, it was his private blog] and he could do whatever he likes with it.
I looked for that statement, but did not find it.
It could very well be that I could not find it, because COBRA has deleted it meanwhile.

In a more recent comment of his, he stated (addressed to Claydog):
"Oh people, when will you ever learn? Questions with sincere concerns (why does Cobra need NDA?) will be kept and even addressed when I find time, personal attacks (Cobra is a charlatan) will be removed. Period."

Now I recall reading Claydogs comments and as I recall it, Claydog did not say "Cobra is a charlatan",
but rather post a link to a Wikipedia  article about "charlatan".

But COBRA has deleted the evidence that would be required to bring the truth to daylight.

If he was sincere, he could have said something like
"you can look up and compare all you want about 'charlatan',
 but you will find no similarities to my case.",
but maybe he was afraid of just that: people could find striking similarities between his case
and the description and explanation of charlatan.
At the moment I am not interested in checking that out and maybe analyzing that thought any further.
But you (the reader of this) may do so, if you are interested in doing so.

I recall statements of his saying things like he would not accept/answer to "emotionally charged"
comments and he would not censor, but "moderate" them.
So he prefers to use the more modern "m" word rather then the more well understood "c" word,
but it is just the same: "getting rid of unwanted ideas"...
Also I did not see him moderate comments, that I would actually have considered
"emotionally charged/disturbed/disturbing" like talking about how another "deserves to be
taken of the planet" (killed? - at very least almost as bad) while at the same time talking about "love"
- weired enough,  I think - but with no apparent reason to be seen f.e. in the contributions of said other.

As to the "private" aspect of COBRAs blog:
It is somehow in public space and he claims to be doing things there,
that would be in the very vital interest of the people in general (the public interest),
especially (but not only) if it were true.

He did not create the comments he deleted!
Nor can one reasonable assume, he created the infrastructure (hardware and software ...)
to make his blog even possible any more than he created the comments.

He is however creating an income (for himself) based on that infrastructure
like by the ads that are shown to his numerous visitors and especially the donations
and profits from the fees he may hope to acquire and maybe he has other income generating ideas as well ...

I do not say that creating income for oneself as such would be wrong.
As in fact at this point in time, you need an income to survive and with more income,
you can live a more "decent" life
(applicable to a limited extend and also dependent upon how you get your income).

If people would not have to be that "creative" to get to be having a decent life,
we would have far less corruption and could all be better of -
"creative" in a way that tends to harm (at least some) others
instead of helping them (or at least leaving them alone), that is.

Enable everyone to live a decent life, and take the profit away from social ills
like war, bad health and criminality!
In other words take the profit out of creating and/or perpetuating problems!


  1. When reading the "Cobra Conferences Around the World" post,
    I was kind of shocked, to find this commercial interest even extending beyond 2012-12-21
    and also include to require a Non-Disclosure-Agreement ...

    Also I recalled, that I had not ever heard anything good about Torino,
    but that it was known as being a center of satanism!

    COBRA did not seem to like my mention of
    that Torino was also known as Satan's city
    and deleted my comment.

    It is easy to find, just google Torino and satanism or gate to hell...

    1. My posts below exposing clay dog and how he thinks and communicates is clear for all to see here these are copied and pasted exactly as written and clay knows this. I do feel for him as he has had a hard life see below ...but you must understand he is not free from his programming and obviously is running the the number 2 rule. the number one rule he said it to make the cabal seem right. which oddly cobra never does. but the number 2 rule is make the light seem dark. that is clay dogs MO. Woof woof boty please seek help Eya and TET can help you. I realize your probraming is too deep so this is really for the few curious who stray to this site to see how you really think. people in my posts below you must start from the bottom up. I have spent enough time doing this but this beligerent spin doctor needs the brakes see have compassion for clay but do not be fooled this is who he is

    2. Here it is, comments from claydog:
      I have been indoctrinated in to a secret society when I was in my mid twenties and I was sexually abused as a child by a satanic paedophile ring.
      I wrote a book about it in 2009 and had a super injunction served on me and I broke this injunction and spent 7 weeks in prison for contempt of court, I've got several huge scars on my body from nefarious interactions in my past.
      Orphanages were set up to syphon kids from the created poverty ridden families, Ireland has been a huge victim of satanic ritual for aeons. Catholicism has been raping, torturing and eating children in ritual for a very very long time, there is no such thing as Catholicism to the high priest of that particular cult,That's just the lie sold to the masses.
      what are you hiding from? Why do you feel you have to hide in the first place. nobody has killed me yet despite the mind control on my past that convinced me to take overdoses, take up life risking hobbies, get involved in the high level criminal fraternity that I was involved in for many years, all aimed at my own self destruction. But they can't take your sovereignty if you truly believe that it's not theirs to take, so why hide? It's no longer the time to remain hidden, hidden is the dark age of occultism..
      what is your books name so we can all see why you are the way u are.
      me to clay
      get professional help @ former freedom of speech goes both ways dont it tech boy?

    3. Post the original and not the bits you've added to sex it up mortgage fraudster. I could take bits from emails and add plenty if this was my motive to defame.

      the fact that all you do is plagiarise is enough evidence to prove your blatant dishonesty

      your a bent personal financial advisor for fuck sake, you're lower than divorce lawyers and whale shit.

      but keep on digging. it's your own grave after all..

      I removed you from the forum due to you being an illegal scam merchant.

      I blocked your email for a reason and YOU contacted me with threats and abuse. Thinly covered with smiles to mask the deceit.

      and now you copy and paste which is all you really do on yours and Ishtar's blog. copy paste and add bits to claim authenticity.

      I wont remove anything, let others see your total dishonesty. I will see purpose put to bringing you down and your partner in crime

      You're a very dishonest entity and YOU hate it when somebody see's YOU for what YOU are, hence your initial threatening email. You're scum and the bottom of the barrel and it wont be long before it all comes crashing down on that big head of yours.. so enjoy it while you can..

  2. Also with COBRAs latest post "STATE OF MISSION REPORT AUGUST 2012"
    comments appear to be disabled.

    Does he refer to the fact that he does not dare letting others
    making comments to his posts by "systems security breach in deflection"?

    He also said: "Dreamland attempt in progress.".
    As I read that, I realized that "Dreamland" never quite sat well with me.

    It has a rather untruthful, illusional taste to me,
    especially when COBRA is using it in connection with
    the generally misunderstood Renaissance.
    (Look at my post "2012-08-27 Estimation of COBRA".
    there I talked about my estimation of the Renaissance and nobility as well.)

  3. Apparently Claydog
    has invited readers of COBRAs blog to join a forum:

    It seems fully operational and is getting its initial set
    of members at the time of this writing.

    What I've seen there yet, seems quite promising as for
    the possibility of free expression and community development...

    I put this here, so that there may be a chance to find it,
    even if COBRA deletes the posts containing those invitations.

  4. Hi,

    Cobra is a genuine 100% charlatan, and I intend to expose him fully as such, great reading my friend, thank you! Glad you joined our forum too.

    1. Thank you ClayDog,
      I like your forum.

      A forum is also a much more suitable infrastructure for
      a developing community than a blog.
      Especially, if comments in said blog are endangered by censorship
      deleting and blocking them!

      As for this charlatan thing:
      you did say it now, and I can understand why,
      but I stand my claim, that I do not recall,
      that you explicitly said it then.


    2. Here is clay dogs enlightened conmments for all to see lets see who censors who now And clay doggy. i see you deleted me from your sight "enable the light". You are omly enabling your own unbalaced feelings. you need more deprogramming from your chidhood sexual abuse. Your mind control still seems to be in place. Your anger an hurt is underatandable but you are directing your anger at the wrong person. your claims of recieving 11 e-mails about fraud are lies. He even told you people sent him money . those were gifts by people who wanted to give to him your claims is a chalatan are your opinion but those people will not prosecute and do not want their money back. Your brother is a parking meter maid right? Cobra is not ishtar knucklehead. Is that your website because on cobras blog it was said to be started by someone else how many names do you have? you even try to speculate and read into my plain comments to you and spin it to your own twisted and violent ends. Every thing i said below is exactly what i meant. your creating fantasy meanings is part of your dreamland programming.tech former this is being copied and if you delete it the world will know.
      some doggy doo below careful not step in it there will several posts here be patient

    3. By clay dog
      Share? by thinly veiled male aggression that has not quite got the balls to spit it out fully?

      Or by hectoring me as to my grammar and composition, which is actually better than anything you string together as they are my words and not copied and pasted..

      You're a fraud, And I will gladly tell you to your face, but don't expect it to be nice. Honest but not nice.

      You might be better off just getting it out of the way and moving forward with your threats as I intend to defame and hinder you on that blog until it's reduced to what it was originally conceived of and that's fraud and dishonesty. I deal with your kind on a daily basis, Robert. You smell of insecurity and it's in your words. Desperate little messiah complex building to a crescendo of disappointment due to lack of true connectivity to source, noise and words from texts is about your limit. Words of others, claiming intellectual property when that's a myth to begin with. nothing even remotely original about you. nothing at all. Sorry it's not better news, but I am not going to crawl up inside your arse because you fire off sugar coated lies on a forum full of lost souls in the process of waking up to charlatans such as YOU and Ishtar Antares. "resistance" LOL. it's such an old con game that it's laughable. But it's pure dishonesty and your eternal soul is in serious bother.

      But of course, nobody is more aware of this than you.

      I promise to severely diminish the words of you and Cobra on that blog, I swear this to you. As I see you for what YOU really are.

      Balls in your court champ.. You are not being taken even remotely serious by an ever dwindling number. This is TRUTH. And you have nothing to offer me in the way of intimidation or salvation as all your words are empty like your soul for actively deceiving vulnerable people on their soul remembrance. I say shame on you for this. it's not becoming of a reptile let alone a man but then you kind of are reptilian are you not?

      You wish to speak to me again then do it in an open forum for everyone to witness you coward, and don't do it away from your dwindling little herd..

      I have no respect for you as a man. So put up or shut up. and don't pollute my inbox any more with trash from an unsane mind..

      I will not reply to you any more as I have just blocked your email and it wont even go in to my junk folder, so leave it all for everyone to read or no one you toad.
      Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2012 20:38:40 -0700
      From: rlpmortgage@yahoo.com
      Subject: RE: Clay dog
      To: eschaton2012@hotmail.co.uk

      Oh doggy doggy
      I am in the uk now it was not a threat it was an offer to meet you to share. Iam giving you a shout now and i wish for you to heal. But I think your one of bully type potty mouths cant you be more original than that? Gosh with a name like potter u think i have never heard that before? It still stands i will meet you i will bring you flowers and offer you peace and understanding ? that is not a threat nor were my other remarks old boy. I wish I wish I wish for you to heal your self.
      Im in wales

    4. from clay doggy to me
      You're an old man who is not happy with his lot and finally found somebody and a platform and huddle of people that think you're cool.
      You threaten me, it's clear. offering to meet up is nothing but intimidation, it's pure classless and you're telling me to be more classy, I did not contact you. read back your email to me, it's pure passive aggressiveness, riddled with violent overtones, and lame hectoring.You're a silly old sod who don't like being exposed for talking shit.
      When you're in the UK next then I will take you up on your offer but be careful what you wish for old boy..Give me a shout when your ready but until then stop boring me..
      I will be a permanent thorn in your side for as long as you propagate lies and try to rinse people. But save the thinly veiled threats for everyone to read as it really is true bottom feeding activity and you know it. actions speak louder than words so either shit or get off the pot, potter. I've been around a lot more than you in circles that would make your head spin so knock yourself out, but like I said, be careful what you wish for.
      You cowardly piece of male disappointment and misery.
      It's impossible to block somebody that know's their way around. So expect a permanent fucking migraine for your dishonesty and a stain on your eternal soul unless you stop manipulating people and then threatening them when they speak what you are unable to stomach you cretin. I shit you and your kind..
      Expect it to only get worse as the light wave of TRUTH hits you full on in that dishonest heart of yours.. I see YOU for what YOU really are and it's not nice at all..
      And YOU hate it, that's why you could not resist threatening me, it's all for anyone to read and make their own mind but it's certainly damaged you no end..
      Thanks for the compliment the picture is 4 years ago at my 51st birthday party.
      So you do have an agenda thanks for taking gloves off. Go ahead and post my words on you little blog. All of my words are my own and your threats of stiff punitive measures are pretty pathetic. I knew you would take my words out of context. what I am now or what i was is none of your business and thank you so much for your potty mouth comments it has cleared up for me who you are and where your coming from.
      I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt.It is clear the only entities that are conflicting are the ones in your befuddled mind. you seem to think because you want to be guru of Nooospere that cobra and the people who are enjoying his information consider him a guru that is not the case. However it does not matter you are not open to anything as your mind seems very warped.
      Every word I post is my own and i stand by them. Any one who you take with you is welcome to leave. As far as your business i will do as I choose. Bottom feeders such as your self who cast slanderous lies are transparent and not even part of the food chain. Your intended malicious posts just screw up the open and honest exchnage of ideas. i wish i knew your occult had signs and triggers i would order you to heel. Down MI6 scary dog down.
      You seem to brag about your former Mk Ultra mind control victimization. If your association with Scientology is the cause there is help for you. i went to school with Marty Rathbun and helped him ditch those goons who follow him everywhere. I left them in the dust no one knows Laguna like I do. So if you want help marty can de program you and get you clear. I am undaunted by your threats your rudeness is disgusting.

    5. I did not threaten to smack you with a keyboard I said if i was younger and impatient as I was and you were talking in person to me back then i would ask you to leave and if you continued I probably would have smacked you in person. I was trying to show you how rude you are becuse you would not dare say what you say to someones face. It is you who are the one who likes to hide behind a keyboard.
      Timewave zero you are good luck changing Ids every day because I dont think he will put up with your hostile and aggressive and disruptive posts anymore.
      wishing you healing

    6. Rob,

      My credentials and my original intent for coming to Cobra's blog was not of one who was curious about the ascension process. I am aware of Ashatr Antares and in particular the way that he has manipulated women in the past and to a level of illegality. I am also aware of his other nefarious dealings with regards to serious fraud and obtaining money by deception.

      I am a 25 year career professional. And I will tell you this just one time. Do not involve yourself in my business.

      This has nothing to do with "Archons", or has it anything to do with new age religion, occultism etc..

      What I am interested in carries stiff punitive measures so I will leave you with that to ponder.

      You can't even put a picture of yourself up that is not 25 years out of date, I get where you are coming from and I have no interest in you. until you make it so, which I would not wish for you to encourage.

      Save it for lesser targets who are ripe for your repetition of the words of higher learning that are not your own.

      Your little current guru has been on the watch list of many but It's not anything more sinister than a predator being taken out of the food chain.

      You could do with aligning yourself with less conflicting entities..

      Your threats are bordering on childish, and did make me smile as I have been expecting them. I will take everyone worth their salt from that blog, but they are already beginning to see through the thin veneer of shit that you and you little mess of pottage really is, nothing more than that. it's tawdry and weak and I know, you've finally found a group of people other than your kids and long beleaguered wife to listen to you. It's probably a bit intoxicating.
      Threatening to smack somebody via a keyboard, I am not surprised. But then I saw through you a long time ago, and you would probably be shocked to know who else has but lacks the conviction to speak it yet.. But wait it out and you'll see..
      I wont do anything other than share your emails on an open forum if you continue to send them so choose good words would be my advice. But either way nothing further you have to say would warrant an intelligent response so I will pas it up and just laugh..
      I wont bother wishing you good luck because the stain on your soul will require more washing than that if you continue to mislead people.
      Don't waste your valuable time and effort bothering me though.
      Keyboard gladiator LOL. pathetic little old man living in the past., hilarious but sad also..
      Oh and.. Your'e still blatantly "pathetic, angry and impatient" but you've developed a ruse to hide it to anyone other than somebody with true vision..

      Hi clay dog i have so enjoyed most of ur messages when your sharing all the good stuff. I agree with you that no one needs a leader etc etc and i know all of your post have some truth. But where is it stated that cobra is claiming to be a leader? we all agree the pineal gland is all you need to connect to the light. what if ishtare antares is cobra as you say so what. i will ask you what if he is just following instructions?.
      I know alex collier and he does not speak anymore because he was threatened that his family would have accidents. he told me the cia told him this to his face. he quit the andromedeans cannot protect everyone of his family members so he bowed out. he shared his teachings there were some charges here and there. he never got rich and he is under NWO persecution by the irs who he used to work for.
      I told cobra the secrecy would be out of the bag and he would be kmown afer this and he said I know but I just folllow orders on this. After all he has shared with me i choose to take his word on this.

      I have other experiences and I am usuing my pineal glad brother. it is up and running and your statement here that the only book you need is the nooosphere sounds like new age bible thumping to me my pineal gland is pinging. You have admitted to being subjected to mind control and you say you have broken free of this.
      Who has you so enthralled and spending time on one site created by a person who you think is a charlatan? Really if your in a spiritual cul de sac why not just make a Uey and leave? You have cussed several times and stamped your tiny little paws but you cant seem to find the right gear? are you not just spinning your wheels here?
      The site is closed now so whooppee for you are you satified are you gloating you have sooo much power! because I am wiser and feel you do have so much intuition and are connected?
      I want to here from you man to man intellectually how you have gone from sharing good news and info into solely trying to upstage the host of this site? In my pathetic youth I was very angry and impatient alot of the time. I still wrestle with my lower nature but i can control myself much better now.

      I feel if we were all in a circle talking your personal attack comments would be considered rude and disruptive. You have many valid points about money and spirituality. However your thinking is reactive and immature. if you were to speak like that to me when i was younger to my face I would tell you to leave. If you were to hang around and get in my face back in those ignorant days of my youth i would slapped you silly. A website is so different people can show their crassness and thumb their noses at people because they are far away.

      Try to develop some class and respect for yourself. Your communication skills are wanting. Why dont you do free workshops or create your own blog see how your knowledge resonates with the world. I am not hidden you have my address below and if you want my address in england i would be willing to meet you and hear what your deep concerns are if another persons eye to eye contact means anything to you i would offer that?
      I think it is hard to lie when you look someone in the eye. I tell you from my conversations with him he is real!
      I am not really trying to convince you it doesnt matter really but i feel if you had your own feeling you would at least stop being so disruptive. I have not called you names here with you as it is counter productive.
      Respectfully i hope you feel that

  5. I just found a new post in COBRAs blog,
    read that it said "No comments".
    I could not help but think: "what if it stays that way?".

    Again he is trying to put the blame for anything that does not look good on him
    on outer sources: "strong reaction and attacks from the Cabal".

    He talks about "some extremely hateful comments in my blog",
    neglecting the fact, that he himself has reved up the hate level and made friends into enemies
    by his very own actions including deleting and blocking comments!

    Also I somewhere read that he would not do conferences until the cabal was removed.
    Now he wants to do them regardless of such and "therefore needs Non-Disclosure-Agreements"...

    First he said his sources would give him intel, than he said he would need donations for that and also for "fixing time lines", but has not explained, how money can fix time lines.

    Not long after I came to his blog, he said, he would be giving out less intel,
    because of lightworkers "under performing".
    I was bewildered by that statement, as I had not seen much of what I would have considered "intel" from him up to that point,
    and later the intel he has given, were links to sites of others.
    Also this is kind of an insult to lightworkers, that may have taken on heavy burdens.

    Such a statement as his is a pure attempt of manipulation.

    He talks about his blogger account having been broken into,
    only to delete some comments without his knowledge.

    While this might be true, it still seems rather strange,
    that the attacker only did, the type of action COBRA would have done himself too: "delete comments" - nothing else. (???)

    I also found this "posting comments with hatred and a purpose of destroying my work" interesting.

    What kind of work can be destroyed by critical comments in a blog?

    From what he presented himself to be first, I would not have assumed such a thing,
    but I can very well imagine, that the work of a charlatan,
    could be destroyed (lets rather say "made less successful") by revealing comments in his blog.

    If this guy is about anything like freedom, free will ...
    how come he can not even tolerate free speech?

    1. Also consider this:
      If he can not even stand in the presence of some "negative" comments,
      how would you expect him to be able to actually "remove the power of the cabal"???

      Does such a thing look genuine and truthful to you?

    2. I may have decoded/understood this "fixing time lines" aspect now.

      It seems to refer to the preparation of those "World conference events".

      To organize such events takes a lot of "fixing time lines"
      and doing it this way, will indeed more probable than not
      require money.

      He was kind of telling us all along.

    3. It appears, I have misquoted him.

      He rather said:

      "The first donation paid for the laptop I needed if I wanted to write this blog when not at my home location. The second one went to the project of healing the timelines. So will subsequent ones."

      If he had said "fixing" rather than "healing",
      the relation to my above speculation would have been more obvious.
      But it still would explain this requiring money for it,
      quite nicely.

  6. @potter,

    I had you credit scored via equifax and experian and YOU my friend are in debt up to your eyeballs and drowning, links to bankruptcy in the past red flags galore. I got the info from the threatening email you sent me. Not the copied and pasted one you've been adding to and posting up to defame me. You're a sick individual that is out to cash in with Cobra.

    it certainly explains your need for a cash generating enterprise, the bent mortgage game is truly on it's knee's post 2008. I am fully aware of YOU. dishonest plagiarising scam merchant. and no point sending more threats to my email, I already told you. it's blocked.

    And of course I removed you from the forum, you're not welcome, simple truth. stay here and try to further your exploits but it's all over for you, you will see very soon..

    you're nothing more than a crooked shyster. And you threaten people on the low low when you're exposed for it. pathetic excuse for man. very very shameful

    You've all been warned this guy is just after your cash because his work has run dry due to it being too difficult to arrange bent mortgages.

  7. zzzz u r done like u r soon2 b banished buh bye

  8. Update:
    It looks like there is [at least] much less censorship going on
    at COBRAs blog.
    Many of the comments, I considered in potential danger of getting deleted, seem to be still there.

    I think this is a good sign!

    And I hope it does not go bad again.

    Also consider this: deleting comments and then claiming they were abusive, negative or some such,
    is factually accusing someone, after you yourself have disposed of the evidence!
    If you leave them, it is up to the ones,
    that want to look at them,
    to determine for themselves, what actually went on ...
    No rumor based manipulations, but visible facts ...
