
2012-09-25 COBRA and the "Church of Scientology"?

I just stumbled upon a comment at COBRAs blog,
apparently made by a member of the "Church of Scientology",
who seems to associate himself with COBRA.

I consider it more than interesting, if COBRA would perhaps
himself be associated with the "Church of Scientology"
and I would consider it highly suspicious, if COBRA
would just avoid that question, or say, it was his private matter...

lecox September 24, 2012 9:56 PM:
"Cobra: I do not care who you are and have no particular reason to doubt your integrity.

But you DO bring up a VERY important point, and this point is too little discussed. I would be interested to know what some of your contacts think about this:

Does removing the Cabal end insanity on earth?

According to what I have been taught, the short answer is "NO."

Who among us have not experienced some level of insanity within our own selves? Who among us have not known someone, that though functional, seemed overly concerned with fears and worries that seemed minor to us?

Here is how I see it. And I have stated this before, and should probably state it more often:

Removing the cabal is the FIRST STEP towards getting in ethics on the planet. It is a VERY VITAL step! But it is only the first. As ethics goes in, which could take several further steps, the technology for handling the insanity itself will be able to be applied.

If we don't have some idea of what all those steps are, then we are insufficiently well-informed to carry through with the rest of the process ourselves. Your off-world contacts are probably aware of this.

I have been taught what the rest of the steps should be. But the subject that this teaching is a part of has been totally condemned on the internet, and is rejected by persons who consider themselves "informed." Yet the sources of that condemnatory information could be similar, if not identical, to those trying to condemn you and your work!

I believe you have even mentioned before some of the other steps in the process. And one vital step is to REMOVE FALSE DATA placed in our environment by the cabal and its operatives, and replace it with TRUE DATA. Consider how much data could be in need of handling in this manner! This is another vital step, and conceivably quite lengthy! And still this only starts to handle the insanity fully!

Get guidance in this matter from people you trust. Do not let yourself be frustrated by what some people do. MANY of us have been touched by this insanity. It will take a lot of work to free ourselves of it fully."

"But the subject that this teaching is a part of has been totally condemned on the internet,"
The "subject" he is talking about is very probably Scientology.

This may not only be obvious by the lingo he is using ..., but also by the contents of his blog:

"Volunteering at CCHR
CCHR stands for Citizens Commission on Human Rights.
It’s a watchdog group founded by the Church of Scientology, and its target is psychiatry.
Link to CCHR website.
Our message comes to my town
To forward its mission of exposing psychiatric abuses, CCHR developed a video (on DVD) and an exhibit to go with it which they call “Industry of Death.” Around 2006, copies of this exhibit were made that could be loaded into trucks and taken around to various places. Each year, one such exhibit comes to Seattle, and I volunteer to help man it.

"Condemned on the internet" is especially the insane greed of the "Church of Scientology"
for money and power over others, beginning with their own followers, but not limited to them!
(And their methods, motivated by the mentioned insane greed,
 using the principle of "the purpose justifies the means".
 Do not forget, there are purposes to motivate the followers,
 that might not look to bad, and there is the actual, but hidden, agenda,
 that might make people, not slowly conditioned to it, vomit. 
 But they can be recognized by their fruits.)

Now, this is, what I would like COBRA to answer to,
posted as an answer to the above comment of lecox:

"lecox seems to be a member of the "Church of Scientology",
who does not dare mention that name here himself.

But you can find hints of that mentioned in his blog:

What is you take on that COBRA?

Are you with the "Church of Scientology"?"

We will see, if he will answer to this or just delete the question...

If I remember correctly, I've seen the Founder of the "Church of Scientology",
Lafayette Ronald Hubbard, also linked to satanism.
- Even if their loyal followers (on the lower strata of the hierarchy),
would not even be permitted to get anywhere near considering such a thing.

Considering that Torino is also a center of satanism,
there may very well be a link...

I can see a picture of COBRA, explaining to the participants,
how not all occult is really bad
and that the "Church of Scientology" as well as satanism is really good...

Edit: My comment as above was meanwhile deleted.
- does that tell you anything?

For the record, I'll also reproduce the comment's answers as they followed up to now,
to conserve the evidence CORBA likes to get rid off - doesn't such an approach look devious?

TechFormer, throw in some more idiotic accusations, as if Cobra had any responsibility for the people who are commenting here and what they comment..

I show you the quality of the accusation you are making,e.g

A guy who once shook hands with Mitt Romney commented here? --->Cobra what is your take on that, are you Republican?

XY posted under a Lady Gaga youtube video and also dared to comment here.---> Cobra are you supporting the Cabal now?

TechFormer you must be really desperate with CLaydog. How about getting a life?


"I believe this to be a valid question,
and I consider it suspicious,
if it is not answered.

As there may be a simple answer to it, or ... not."


  1. COBRA did not deny to be connected to the "Church of Scientology",
    he deleted the question about that.

    He did not delete the comment of "his fellow Scientologist". (?)

    He does not like things to be exposed for what they are,
    that he has shown again and again.

    He loves the occult -> he wants the truth to stay hidden!

    Isn't that obvious by now?

    1. I found that some comment from another guy was deleted
      by COBRA and recreated it adding my own words
      (more details at http://enablethelight.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=141#p681):

      TechFormer September 26, 2012 5:06 AM

      He deleted your simple question.

      Maybe his "yes" button deletes the comments. :-)

      kiKaz MaFaQaZa September 25, 2012 12:01 PM

      "Is this cobra? ishtar antares
      http://formerwhitehat.wordpress.com/201 ... r-antares/"

      He pressed this "yes" button on my question
      about him being connected to "The Church of Scientology" as well. :-)

      And the picture from your site doesn't say no to that question either. ;-)

  2. Lozion September 25, 2012 1:58 PM

    "I'd like to know more. Please use the way you know Tech...txs."

    I do not claim to know much more than I presented.
    -> This blog post and it's comments should show, what I mean.

    COBRA wrote at http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2012/09/compression-grid-to-logn8.html?showComment=1348426296750#c2094002238968713941

    "There is nothing wrong with occult per se."


    "some other occultists are working for the good of humanity."

    I do not know, if COBRA is somehow connected with the "Church of Scientology",
    but it seems possible.
    Perhaps in the form of a common organization in charge of both.

    At the very least, his approach to handing his comments ...,
    seems devious rather then honest and truthful!

    As I stated, he seems to prefer to keep things unknown = hidden ...

  3. Indeed Tech, knowledge is power and the Occult serves all sides. It clearly is time the hidden TRUTH comes out but I digress... I find most who comment on Cobra's blog that show doubt in his identity or the validity of his message are the ones who tend to be more knowledgeable, "inititiated into the sacred" or at least they show enough intellectual rigor to challenge whatever "feels off". The others fall either in the "follow the leader" or the "if they doubt, then they must be againts us" camps. People are so easily manipulated.

    My point is I believe Cobra does share valid info and elements of occult knowledge but at the same time he withholds the "core" of what the truly initiated know (from both Dark & Light sides) for his personnal gain and agenda. If this Scientology connection turns out to be valid, then the cats outta the bag, and the snake should slither its way back in the hole...

    1. I like that input. :-)
      I agree.

      One thing, I'd like to stress is:

      Lies are [almost] always feed together with at least some "truth",
      otherwise not to many people would swallow them.

      [At a later stage] it could also be things,
      that the followers [meanwhile] believe to be true,
      that are feed [together with more lies]...

    2. Yeah, I dont wont to entertain the idea I believe that he is Scientology connected, BUT he maybe, who knows? I hope Michael can clear up some of the fog. Screw that NDA bull...

  4. Lozion, you really summed up so much for me in your comment! Thank you! (I decided on some whim to visit here - I guess it was one of those "internal messages" that did it!)

    From about a month ago, or a little longer (whenever it was the "conference post" came up), suddenly I saw the holes in the Swiss cheese, so to speak, and it came because of the very thing you wrote in that comment up there.

    But my strategy has just been to be quiet about it on that site, and just slip away into the distance. Sure, about once or twice a week I go to read comments, just to see what is emerging because it is true that meeting people there helped me a lot, and I still care about many who still show up there.

    What caused me to do this was actually the increased and obviously "off" over-involvement of Pottsman, whom I don't resonate with very much at all. And when I saw him stepping in the way he did, I got a really bad taste in my mouth, and said, "Okay, something not right is up here!" and decided to leave. I already had some creeping doubts based on other things posted, that really did not sit well with me. But the comments Pottsman left and the attitude he brought really turned me off. I've not seen too many comments by him lately, though, so I wonder if another strategy is being used, ha. Maybe other people felt the same way and so now there is a new strategy!

    All in all, I am thankful for all the people I met there: you, TechFormer, ArEla, Co9 -- so many cool people! It spurred me on to think harder, think better, and above all, use my heart and my gut when dealing with information (and disinformation) online. :)

    On another interesting note, I just saw the newly-released film from Paul Thomas Anderson called "The Master." It is supposedly in part a kind of insight as to how organizations like Scientology get born, and the individuals who start them. Philip Seymore Hoffman is really good as the leader of "The Cause."

    It also was interesting to see the film in light of everything that goes on with people online, and with information we can come across (and get sucked in by!).

    I don't doubt that there is truth in the site/by the writer (Cobra). I don't doubt that there are things that are accurate which are presented there. In the end, it may be shown that things were actually fine there, even. Although I like what is said about lies are fed together with truth. The truth is the sugar to make the poison of the lie go down, eh? :)

    I just know for me, for my understanding of things right now, it is not the right place for me to be after all. If it turns out that it is Scientology-run, okay, whatever. I just know inside that something is not 100% feeling right about what is going on there, so it is better to step aside.

    You guys take care, and thank you for intellectually challenging this stuff. At least it is all a good exercise in discerning! I choose to take a neutral path at this point, not getting upset at what is there and not acting on any negativity, but I also want to be clear that my absence hopefully speaks louder than words.

    Be well --

    1. Hi Call, txs for your input! Agreed on the Pottsman...
      See ya on the forum :)

    2. See, that happens, when you delay your answer for too long:

      someone else will be first. :-)

      Pottsman used to give C's blog posts initial fillings with large chunks of text...
      so that I would tend to not read those. ;-)

      In the last few posts he seems to be blatantly absent.

      Maybe he has been hit with some stardust - or was it really chem trails and HARP?
      This kind of happened to me as well - and I got very tired...
      But, as you can see, I can still move my small fingers and type. ;-)

      You, who even could read those chunky comments, might disagree,
      but I find the comment sections to be much easier to digest and read without those bloated unstructured things.

      I'll admit, that I still do not necessarily try to read all comment,
      even if I take the time to visit C's blog.
      I rather scan the comments for something that feels interesting to me.

  5. Talking about "The Church of Scientology",
    many of you readers might know,
    that there are numerous "Scientology front groups"/corporations created and run by "the Church of Scientology"
    like CCHR (mentioned above), WISE, Applied Scholastics, Narconon, Criminon...
    and at least one (I know of), that has been conquered (bankrupted and swallowed ?) by the COS: CAN (Cult Awareness Network - used to help people to get away from the COS before its takeover).

    But I guess almost no one of you knew about,
    that there was also an aspect,
    that I like to call "the Protestants of Scientology" for the moment.

    The comedian Hardeep Singh Kohli portrayed this aspect (partially)
    in his film "The Beginners Guide To L. Ron Hubbard": http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1786568759674213741
    The film shows a lot of their practices.

    Hardeep had been rejected with the same kind
    of "being easily offended" as it fits
    their agenda by the COS,
    when he approached them for his film about that subject,
    that COBRA likes to put out, when he deletes comments on his blog.

    But Hardeep found the "Protestants of Scientology",
    that were willing to be in his film...
    Even when such was done in a kind of underground environment.

  6. The dark ones like to use the method of being "[easily] offended"
    in order to justify censorship and stifling of free speech!

    So they can stay in the dark and continue their agendas [against the public well being].

    1. Of course that works with the help of a part in ourselves,
      that likes to be offended itself...

  7. OMG. I just typed a comment that was more than 4,096 characters long.


    The irony is really funny (when you know what I typed, lol).

    Okay, so I am about to post two long-ish comments now. I hope that you can read them, but by all means scan them if you want to, hahahaha.


    1. Part One (hee hee hee hee hee!!)

      "Pottsman used to give C's blog posts initial fillings with large chunks of text...
      so that I would tend to not read those. ;-)

      In the last few posts he seems to be blatantly absent."

      Yeah, I mostly skipped them!! I confess. Especially as they increased to such a crazy point. I did a lot of eye-rolling when I would see the huge amounts of looooong text. It seemed full of ego to dominate blog comments that way -- and that is true even just in "normal" blog circles! (I mean not Woo-Woo ones, lol.) While people appreciate longer comments if they are insightful or humorous, or contribute to the flow of conversation, if they are "bloated drivel" then it just comes across as pointless and arrogant. That is not to say from time to time that there weren't interesting things that I checked into, but that is also due to technique -- "I rather scan the comments for something that feels interesting to me."

      Exactly. And English being my first language, I could do this pretty fast. Speed-reading. ;-) So sometimes I found insight there.

      So now there is next-to-nothing, and it does seem to be as if he was told to "back off." Or maybe he ate those bad tacos, haha. Oh god that still makes me laugh out loud to even type it! I keep thinking about one of the Rockefellers on the toilet, haha! :D

    2. Part Two (*snort* *giggles*)

      As for this, it is a real characteristic of a manipulator:

      "The dark ones like to use the method of being "[easily] offended"
      in order to justify censorship and stifling of free speech!

      So they can stay in the dark and continue their agendas [against the public well being]."

      I have seen everyone do it from ex-husbands to politicians and it was especially highlighted in that film I mentioned up there, the Paul Thomas Anderson one. Philip Seymour (I spelled it wrong before!) Hoffman does a brilliant job of showing this kind of technique or method of gaining sympathy and a following.

      If someone acts indignant and offended along with a kind of self-righteousness that plays on the pity of people, it is a sure sign of a narcissist who is trying to manipulate and sell something. It's a kind of sales technique.

      My ex-husband used to do this all the time. He used to be a used car salesman, too, lol (not kidding!). In his case, it is an extremely hurt self-esteem from deep issues that motivates his need to control others and control all the details of his life in order to boost his ego. But the truly sinister kind is to try to enslave people. To get people in a program of belief to shore up the defenses, so to speak. And it benefits the ones at the top in some form. Oh gosh, I have seen this happen so many times in offices, churches, schools... Anywhere there are people at the top who want to stay there or who are given a word from above that they have to have a certain quota -- a certain number of people. It works this way with the car sales, too.

      From a psychological standpoint, it is pretty interesting to see, though. Like, if you learn to see it and analyze it.

      And I am STILL learning how to recognize it, haha. As a Lightworker, I want to trust everyone, you know? It's my nature, and an indication I am working from a loving frequency. It also means I have tripped up and allowed myself into tough situations that tried to threaten me as a sovereign being.

      But it is all good. It is one reason why I risked to come into polarity, right? To learn. :)

      "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

      Of course, I confess it has been more than twice, hahahaha! But I get better at seeing it all the time. :) And then just try to integrate that into love and light. Knock it out via love. Sometimes the loving thing to do is to just walk away, though, right? :)

      But we all have to follow our inner guidance system with this, for that is all we have got. And who is to say that perhaps for some, it is a part of their path to enter these cults only to learn how to get out of them, much like perhaps a magician can learn how to get out of a locked straightjacket. I'm not going to try to tell someone else his or her path. But I am going to follow my own.

      What I still feel and see is that C is trying to sell something.

      And I ain't buying it. :)~

      You guys take care!

  8. There is another parallel, I see between COBRA (C) and the "Church of Scientology" (COS).

    Both start with C. ;-) lol - No, just jocking - perhaps. ;-)

    They never ever will take responsibility for their own actions,
    will never admit of having been wrong or done anything wrong,
    but will always put the blame on [outside] "enemies".
    Anything that may have turned out wrong, not worked as expected,
    is somehow the fault of their evil enemies...
    Also they make money and derive their power by creating/painting
    an atmosphere filled with dangerous enemies -
    and "you must give us all your money and power so that we can
    fight them"...
    "anyone, who fails to be totally loyal to the cause, is an enemy".

    Not only may you find parallels between the Cs,
    but you may notice, that there are parallels/similarities
    between the inner and the outer world.
    And that the later derives much of it's power from the current settings of the previous.

    It may very well be required to straiten up the inner world(s) first,
    in order to be able to straiten up the outer world(s).

  9. I probably should mention that this subject is/was also
    discussed at enablethelight.com.

    This should be the link to the topic:

  10. Interesting analogies between both C's Tech. Mind you, I revel at the notion that if C's agenda turns out to be a scheme using the same methods of this "cabal" he/she purports to fight it will FAIL like a Pyramid that's starting to shake, crumble & crack, ultimately crashing at the gates of 21/12...
