
censorship = corruption trying to hide itself from public view

I have a strong dislike against censorship.

More often then not (if not outright always)
censorship is an expression of corruption
trying to hide itself from public view...
and thereby trying to prevent
or at least delay
the correction of the problem.

I was kind of hooked to Portal 2012 (COBRAs blog)
in the last few weeks.
It gave me hope, showed a possibility for a soon to become,
better future, with much less immediate threats and
the possibility for everyone to live free and peaceful lifes.

Just in the recent few hours, that faceless (whatever), that
goes by the nick of COBRA, has strengthened a
campaign that is designed to wean me off that addiction.
I am not claiming that I would appear [much] less
faceless in this web environment than COBRA,
but that fact is not capable
of giving any face to COBRA nonetheless.

His(whatever gender or entity really is behind that)
latest post titled "Message to the general population"
talks about ...
"a very important operation of the Light forces that is reaching its climax today"...
"provoked a very strong reaction from the dark side"...
(the "very strong" reaction, I can see, is on the site of COBRAs blog)
"has led to unusually high percentage of negative comments in my blog.
Until this operation is over, all comments are blocked."
He has not only blocked comments to this recent post,
but also deleted any and ALL comments on his previous post
and blocked new ones.

Now isn't that kind of disrespectful to all the time people have
invested into their comments ...
Not to mention the time required to pass the captcha challenges >:-|.

His actions and justifications look more like brave new world
or maybe the brainwashing of a cult,
than anything resembling freedom!

There may be situations where one could justifiably delete a post,
comment or some such thing, because it contains personal attacks ...,
but I don't see this principle applied in this context,
nor have I ever seen that anywhere at all.
What I have seen, is actions not actually falling into that category,
being falsely justified by such principles!
- Unless of course you define anything that does not corroborate
the version of affairs you want to put out, in the ways and manors
you deem appropriate,
to be threatening, a personal attack or some such justification to you.

Harmony is something that comes about "on itself" naturally.
If you have to enforce it, it is your personal disturbance at work,
not harmony...

If you shine f.e. a flashlight on someones eyes, he might not be able
to see that many details about his environment as he otherwise would see,
but apart from that, light is normally associated with communication, clarity ...
while darkness is associated with secrecy, suppression of communication, ...
and well "darkness".

Altering definitions to mean the opposite of what they used to mean,
appears to be a work of darkness to me.
Or should we rather use the phrase evil instead of darkness?

COBRA talks about this important operation of light ...
and it seems his most important contribution to free humanity
is to censor and bock comments on "his" blog.

As I see it at the moment, there could actually be operations of light
progressing somehow, but COBRA is no more part of them,
than a rock is part of the sunlight.

I still would like to see everyone capable of living a free and peaceful life!

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