
2013-10-28 Silence is - poison

"Silence is golden"?
- Perhaps, when it comes to being able to relax or do some thinking without noise...
When it comes to social/interpersonal relationships, I rather think it is a link in the chains to enslave humanity...;
a link mounted with poisonous thorns.

Only free, open, honest communication can help us heal, not hiding secrets that will harm us in the process...

I would not claim to having reached any ultimate level of wisdom at the moment, ;-)
I merely feel somewhat reminded of my general beliefs by some recently encountered videos.

I'd like to add, that the environment can be more or less conducive ...
Yet every one is part of that environment...

TEDxTalks - TEDxSinCity - Bruce Muzik - The BIG Secret Nobody Wants To Tell

TEDxTalks - Your Sexuality: Ask & Tell: Alyssa Royse at TEDxRainier


  1. Hi Tech, Lozion here from enablethelight, been awhile you good? I was trying to log on enablethelight but I think the forum is now defunct? I wanted to port over a thread to another forum where I hang out and was wondering if you have any archives or means to read posts? I remember it was in the sacred place forum... Txs!

  2. Hello, any tips on recovering posts from enablethelight.com? Txs.

    1. Hi Lozion,
      I'm happy to read from you.

      I have been offline - not using the internet - for quite some time,
      therefore I found your comments only just now.

      Even now I am merely checking for mails or news using a friends internet connection.
      That means it could take some time - perhaps a lot of time - until I get back to the internet again...
      Of course, finding messages for me (like yours) may somewhat motivate me to try and come back earlier than I would tend to if I find nothing (or just unrelated spam). ;-)

      I would like to see enablethelight back online again, myself;
      (not only) for reference purposes.

      I would like to know more about its current state/what is or was happening to it...
      answers to questions like: "Did Michael close it down/let it expire?",
      ""Was is taken down by hackers?", "Is he planning to make it available again?"...

      As you could guess from my words above, I have no current connection to Michael - I don't even know his email address or any other "conventional" means to contact him now
      and I never got any admin or moderator privileges, I could have done anything with there.
      Last I could successfully reach Michael to tell him about some spam and suggested that I could take care of such things, if he would enable me to, he cleaned it up himself and said nothing more about that suggestion of mine.

      So if you find out anything, I would like to know as well.
      Or if you found a comparable alternative to enablethelight, I would probably be interested in such as well.

      There are a few posts from enablethelight archived at http://archive.is/.
      I'm uncertain, if, what you are looking for, could be available there
      and I would like to know whether or not, that is the case...

      I hope this will reach you and you can use it (at least somewhat).
