
2012-10-17 FEAR - questioning some established, profitable medical myths

As picked up in Ron Van Dyke's (paradoxman316) video 15-10-2012: THE IMPORTANCE OF STAYING ATTUNED
(He doesn't seem to accept links that do not come through his facebook wall - maybe I'm exaggerating here. ;-))
FEAR  -  False Evidence Appearing Real
I'm basically compiling this from posts made at enablethelight.com [by me ;-)].
Mainly at my post New outlooks on medical issues.

I came across some aspects concerning medical issues
within the last few years and months, that seem not yet widely known,
even among people like ourselves.

I now feel, that I can no longer postpone reporting on them.

I hope, I can present them in a way, you can grasp and understand.

I believe, you are all at least somewhat aware, that the financial paradigm
we still live with, views "making profit" as basically the highest purpose...
As far as I know, this is also called differential advantage sometimes:
You win what another looses or vice versa ...

What you are not very often told at school, is that there is a lot of profit
to be made by social ills like war, bad health and criminality...

Most people need to sell their work in order to make a living.
It doesn't matter, whether that work is really useful for anyone,
or even harmful to many!

Consider the management of a [big] corporation f.e. like Ciba Geigy.
Whether they would care for the well being of their employees
or only their own profit, doesn't make that big a difference.

It would still include, working for getting and holding big market shares
and making profits that way.

Consider, one of their research departments would find something,
that could bring revolutionary benefits to mankind,
in other words finally solve problems,
but would destroy the market share of all their products.

Do you think, they would or could do anything else than
lock away the research [results] from the rest of mankind?

(That was not merely a fictional example, but one based on historical facts.
Keywords: Urzeit-Code(German), electrostatic treatment of seeds ...)

The current paradigm, doesn't reward solving problems,
that would put yourself out of work...
It rewards the treatment, but not the resolution of problems!

It also rewards the creation or invention of problems,
by the profit from the treatment appearing to be necessary thereafter...

This is not limited to, but includes the field of health and "healing".
Real healing, let alone prevention of diseases, is not something rewarded,
as there is no profit in it!
But there is lots of profit in treatment of real or even imagined diseases.
The more serious those are looked upon, the more profit seems possible!

If you understand that thoroughly, you'll be less surprised about, what else
I'm going to tell you. ;-)

I can't write a book here and now, but more or less only summarize what
I've learned.
You may need to do some of your own research, if you are interested in details ...

You should look and compare any information you get from anywhere to the reality
you live in anyways, especially before acting upon it.
(Did you do that with the lies, you have been fed before already? ;-))

I'll address some subjects, I currently consider important and know about.


Keywords: AIDS fraud

(Content copied from an email I wrote):

"AIDS" is no [new] disease at all, it is only a new,
much more profitable, label for all kinds of old diseases
and also a label, that is sometimes put on healthy
patients ignorant enough to take the test and unlucky enough
to be adjudicated as hiv positive.
Believing in the "death diagnosis" will give them quite a bit
of stress...
(As they came to get the test, they would probably tend to believe it.)

But it is usually the medication they get as a result of
such a positive test, that will sooner or later kill them.
It tends to kill them somewhat later nowadays as the dosage
was reduced.
The aids medication can however alleviate some conditions,
but one should be aware, that does not prove the other nonsense.

The AIDS tests can not really prove the presence of the hiv virus.
They merely combine some tests about protein reactions
and some other criteria that may occur under other circumstances also.

The [evaluation] of those tests also vary on different places,
so that one might be adjudicated as hiv positive in some places
and as hiv negative in other places.

They are in fact trying to target the presence of anti bodies
to the hiv virus.

Anti bodies, according to traditional immunology would show,
that the body has conquered the causative agent.
In the case of hiv, this is now interpreted as a bad sign! ???

The main aspect however is, that the hiv virus as such is harmless.

That is also the reason, why there is no test to show the presence
of it, but only its anti bodies. - It doesn't get far enough,
to become visible that way.

The diseases, that got that new label however may still be deadly.
Those and the conditions that lead to them, are the things
that need to be corrected!


Keywords: GNM, German new Medicine (Germanische neue Medizin) - the third revolution of medicine

(Contents copied mostly from some emails I wrote):

Cancer is something connected with "unregulated cell growth",
as they say.
Yes, but there are reasons for that.

Usually some type of stress of long duration will get the body
to change according to the assumed needs for that type of stress.

This itself may occur as some type of cancer already.

But also, when that type of stress than has ended,
the body is again changing for the new conditions...

This change can also be seen as a type of disease.
- And I'm not claiming such could not also be dangerous to some degree.
- And I can see, how cannabis can help, also using this kind of theory. :-)

An example of body changes after the end of stress of long duration,
is the high rate of tuberculosis in Germany after the end of WW2.

A subject named German New Medicine (Germanische neue Medizin),
explains such phenomenons rather nicely.

There is a German video giving a nice example in it's first few minutes:
titled "Die 5 Biologischen Naturgesetze - Die Dokumentation".
English subtitles should be available.

I'll summarize this as I deem it important:

A mouse and a cat cross their ways.
The cat will notice a morsel of food.
The mouse on the other hand is noticing a deadly threat.
By its biological determination, it immediately starts running away.
It is an experience familiar to everyone that in extreme situations
unprecedented powers are set free in us.
And precisely this is part of what we are dealing with.
The mouse's alveolar lung cells are turned to sympathicotony,
which in this case means, that they are performing a hyperfunction
increasing permeability to oxygen.
Thus the mouse can breathe much better
and can run away for much longer
without being out of breath.
If the mouse runs away for 2 minutes and finds refuge,
the mouse will then breathe and regenerate for 2 minutes.
It is in a vagotonic or parasympathetic state.
Transferring this situation to human life, this could mean
a man receiving a diagnosis of deadly cancer from his doctor,
which he would assess the same way the mouse did.
But you can not run away from such a diagnosis in a literal sense
as the biological determination would suggest.
This fear of death doesn't stop, the patient is unable to sleep
has no appetite and is very restless
as a biological program is active that tells him to escape from a deadly enemy
to save his life.
There is a big difference in the duration this program runs compared to the situation
of the mouse.
The mouse will either be eaten or finds refuge in time.
Under no circumstances will it keep fleeing constantly for weeks or months.
In a natural environment, fear of death can not persist for such a prolonged period of time.
Since the cells have been working at maximum capacity for week,
they even began to proliferate to keep up with the workload.
Due to this surplus of cells even more oxygen can be absorbed in less time.
Would our patient now visit the doctor again,
he would find a so called malignant tumor in the lung
and conclude, that this represents a metastasis of the primary cancer.
However it is a cancer program on it's own, triggered by that fear of death.
This cell proliferation never was malignant or nonsensical,
it was only biologically useful to the creature, to be able to better run away.
Now let's assume, that this person gets an all-clear from his doctor,
a good prognosis for his future.
Then he would suddenly be relieved and could finally start regenerating.
He successfully escaped the evil predator.
But since additional cells have grown for week, also something else will happen:
The surplus cells are being decomposed through tuberculosis and expectorated.
The patient will cough up coagulated blood.

The subject of German New Medicine offers new outlooks not only on cancer,
but many diseases and their treatment...

I'll include links to some videos, that may help you start understanding ...

GNM and the Five Biological Laws - Part 1 of 7

GNM and the Five Biological Laws - Part 2 of 7

GNM and the Five Biological Laws - Part 3 of 7

GNM and the Five Biological Laws - Part 4 of 7

GNM and the Five Biological Laws - Part 5 of 7

GNM and the Five Biological Laws - Part 6 of 7

GNM and the Five Biological Laws - Part 7 of 7

The Cause and Natural Healing of Breast Cancer - Part 1 of 6

The Cause and Natural Healing of Breast Cancer Part 2 of 6

The Cause and Natural Healing of Breast Cancer Part 3 of 6

The Cause and Natural Healing of Breast Cancer Part 4 of 6

The Cause and Natural Healing of Breast Cancer - Part 5 of 6

The Cause and Natural Healing of Breast Cancer - Part 6 of 6

To summarize it:
The best protection against diseases
seems to be, not to be afraid. :-)
Or maybe, I should rather say: "to have no FEAR" instead of "not to be afraid". :-)

Related posts:
2012-10-23 "Profit" and madness instead of truth, reason, love
2012-12-04 Competition - Making others fail in order to win

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