
2012-12-04 Competition - Making others fail in order to win

Practically all evils that we face today can in some way be attributed to the principle
of "making others fail in order to win".

Alfie Kohn describes the principle of competition as
"I can only win, if you loose", mentioning examples like golf or bowling.

He describes the more extreme form of this as
"I can only win, if I make you loose", mentioning examples like tennis and war.

At least in that description I do agree with Alfie Kohn, that competition is aggression.

We got programmed to compete with each other from early age.
Even many, if not most, games are set up in in that fashion.

Let's take musical chairs for the moment, where x number of players compete
for x-1 number of chairs.

Isn't that awfully similar to the most used debt based, interest bearing money systems,
where we compete for the nominal amount x of money against the amount x + say 5 % of debts?
Some few are endowed with the right to create money, otherwise called counterfeiting,
and demand repayment of the whole sum plus interest, that was never created in the money supply.

You may want to consider listening to
'IntuitiveLeap' - Alfie Kohn - The Case Against Competition
to perhaps get another perspective about competition.

I got to believe this principle of "making others fail in order to win" has been used
[by the major players] throughout the [recent] history.
And were this principle is applied, there is with near certainty also deception involved,
so it may very well be better to doubt the truthfulness of any impression someone
is trying to give you (however indirectly) whenever someone wins by making another loose.

I saw the same thing:
making others (offering real cures/solutions) fail,
lies, coercion,  actively suppressing those seen as competitors, in order to "win",
turning up in this documentary mostly pertaining to the "medical" field:

'strelitzia7564' - Cancer the Forbidden Cures - Full Documentary

I feel, that we as humanity should find a way beyond competition,
beyond fighting each other,
in order to create a world worth living on.

Related posts:
2012-10-23 "Profit" and madness instead of truth, reason, love
2012-10-17 FEAR - questioning some established, profitable medical myths
2012-12-15 Other dots from the field of education

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