
2012-10-18 Contemplating (responsibility for) (violent) acts

If you're not comfortable with looking at possibly nasty scenes in your mind ...
you may want to leave this post instead of reading it.
This is not about giving you facts or [all the] answers, rather about stimulating thought processes ...
if you can and like to use it that way.

Consider a scenario of some group having taken some hostages and now strolling about
with guns in their hands...
When one of the hostage takers suddenly shouts out to one of the hostages something like:
"You animal, you picked your nose! I'll show you, what you've done! We'll kill 10 hostages now!"

Assuming he would go about to actually kill 10 hostages,
who would be responsible for the killing?

And you could modify the scenario somewhat and think again.

- Assuming said hostage, did not actually pick his nose.

- Assuming he did pick his nose and the hostage takers had announced,
  that they would kill 1 hostage in such a case or 5 or 10, 20 or all,
  to give some further suggestions for modifying the scenario...

- Assuming the hostage taker was mind programed to kill...

- ...

Would it be right to do or give the hostage takers what they want
in order to save the life of (some) hostages?

What about if doing what they claimed to want would do more damage to others?

What about if they would kill/not kill the hostages regardless?

Or maybe, you'd not go into this kind of scenario at all
or find other ways to solve such...

I  feel like explicitly claiming, that I do not promise to answer to any comments,
that might be made to this post.
But others may want to.

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