
2013-05-18 Money is ...

(Posting some thoughts recently encountered)

Money is a kind of points system detached from real values
- especially detached from the values humans should/want to have.
- made worse by the possibility, to be manipulated by the whims of a few...

As I stated in my  post 2012-10-23 "Profit" and madness instead of truth, reason, love:

Money is the tool to make doing the wrong things virtuous!

Michael Tellinger stated in his Manchester March 2013 lecture
(featured in my previous post 2013-05-13 Interplay: A Picture of our dark times):

Money is not the consequence of thousands of years of barter and trade. That is disinformation.
Money was maliciously introduced into the human race as a tool of control....

Considering some of the observable consequences, such an assumption may not be all that unreasonable. (?)

Sad we still have not learned better ways of handling our affairs ...


I'd also like to remark about other more or less related thoughts and observations:

I introduced a disclaimer, that
I don't fully trust (the judgement of) any single source. ;-)
Many times the way how you do something is more important than what you do
- especially otherwise good ideas can be applied in bad ways.

You can close the door to keep the cold out - gently
or slam it into someones face - potentially injuring him.

A glass of water may usually be good for someone
- but not if you force it down his throat in a way, that he can't breathe.

I'd like to quote the German Professor Bernd Senf in that context:
Die Lösung der Blockierung ist die Lösung
- behutsam, nicht gewaltsam.
I'd translate it to English as:
The resolution of the blockage is the solution
- carefully, not forcibly.
You can of course wrongly apply such a thing also - say waiting to long when a house is burning
or even letting people starve...

While I still don't think I could express myself perfectly,
I hope you about got the ideas. :-)

I'll add a related video also.

'paagleTV' - Money As Debt - Full Length Documentary

I didn't know there was more of this - until today.


And there is yet another one, that seems to belong to that collection.

'911isafraud' - Money as Debt 3 - The Rothschild mafia (Paul Grignon)

While they keep claiming that stone age people used some sort of money,
showing some stereotype picture, I would identify as "red Indians",
Michael Tellinger is not the only source, I had heard claiming otherwise
- like "red Indian"/"native American" people not using money in our sense at all.

There may be some (more) of our basic assumptions deserving questioning ...
some perhaps not to be determined with any real certainty any time soon ...

But doubts can be blessings ...

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