2012-10-23 "Profit" and madness instead of truth, reason, love
Swine flue, bird flue, HIV/AIDS, cancer, war, starvation, poverty, ...
are all symptoms of this systems value disorder.
I'll probably only be covering a few of such aspects in this post,
but do be aware of the others and more also!
Other aspects as tools like debt based money systems, interests,
pedophilia for blackmail, black magic rituals, ... come to mind.
David Icke covers some of the not otherwise commonly known aspects
and another outlook about the very nature of reality in his speeches.
If you can invest a little time, you may want to look at
Infowars MoneyBomb 2012: David Icke.
(Don't be misled by the title of the interview show...,
it's much more about the other mentioned subjects, than about a money bomb.)
But were you already aware that there apparently is
no such thing as
the "AIDS virus" - HIV is not the cause of AIDS.