
2012-11-26 COBRA - Ishtar Antares issues

In the recent few days some reports about COBRA's identity ... came up
and as some people seem to be still interested in those issues,
I will pick that up and post the collection of those items in a more permanent form,
than a chat box with limited amounts of items in it's history would be.

I was already so thoroughly disgusted with COBRA's blog -
not only because of his censorship..., but also with the kind of bullshit he would write
- OK, more my subjective impression ... than a real thorough investigation ;-)
that I wouldn't even tend to go near his blog, when I was desperate for at least something "new"...

Then Sasha at enablethelight.com pointed us to confirmations,
that COBRA was indeed Ishtar Antares:
Re: Chat - people at C's ...
Those confirmations came through the old comment box, called "The Freedom Box - Comments"
of  ascensionwithearth.com - not long after that, said comment box ceased to work
and was no longer available.
But we collected the most important comments concerning that subject before that happened. :-)

The Freedom Box - Comments wrote:

Dear people, i want to comfirm to you that the man going by the name cobra, indeed is, according to all physical apearances, the same as the man known as ishtar antares. I hate to have to say this but it is true, having met the man in person. I dont know what this means about the message he has for people, but being as he has flat out written that he is not ishtar, i feel this undermines his credibility extensively. I am dissapointed. I dont know why he has hidden, but i would suggest perhaps not giving him money for the conferences. I hope all this 2012 stuff blows over so we good people can return to living a real life, devoidof delusion, full of real, natural, copasetic life.. Imho this means getting with nature and restoring the habitat and our connection to the plant kingdom that gives us life, strength, energy, and longevity.
Unknown 11/16

To the responder saying: "Cobra says these conferences are important because they activate vortexes on the given location with powerful meditations and rituals." That is the actual troubling part: what kind of powerful meditations and rituals are these people brainwashed to participate with their lifeforce and intention in? How do we know what forces and energies are being conjured up this way? Anything needs to be specifically stated in the Creative Universe. And from what we know about GFL and others, unsuspecting people could be anchoring in all sorts of negative energies (i.e. Reptilians and whatnot) that are mascarading as positive forces. I would be really, really cautious (but not fearful, mind you) of what the intent of all this is. And Cobra has been deceitful, both with his identity and affiliations. A true worker in the Light, has nothing to cover, and that he is not, truly so and in the face of it all.
Unknown 11/20

Next thing he is going to say : sorry guys, there has never been any Underground Resistance, but remember what a great time we all had this year doing the meditations and conferences!
Unknown 11/20

Yeah yeah yeah, they paid $300 plus travel for that, of course they will say it was GREAT success! What else you expect them to say? It doesn't even matter that he has lied to their faces. Some sheeple just never change
Unknown 11/20

I can also confirme this, a very good friend of mine attended New York conference and he was Ishatr, BUT he said all of the attendees were immensely satisfied and delighted to be there and the whole event was a greta success. Cobra says these conferences are important because they activate vortexes on the given location with powerful meditations and rituals. Also what my friend said is that he is very calm, extremely knowledgeable and answered complex questions without hesitation and the conference ended with a great surge of optimism.
Unknown 11/20

Ultimately he's lied to people. And you couod've bought his $15 ebook that has all the information that the conference has covered. The book is a few years old, by the way.
Unknown 11/19

It was still a good conference though. He seems genuine, though strange. Im sure its good for the people who choose to attend. He may be making a little money off it but i doubt very much.
Unknown 11/19

Cobra Exposed : "most passes as chemitrails these days are just contrails” by Cobra <= WTF
Unknown 11/18

the cat is out of the bag, those who are attending the conferences are confirming that Cobra is Ishatar. LOL! I wonder if the Cobra followers care or not about the lies told. I bet they dont care because they have pride issues just like those who follow the GFL and Sheldan Nidle. They need to hold onto their version of reality even if the evidence suggests that these people are being deceived by Archons and false gods.
Unknown 11/18

Charlatans will do anything for a quick buck. When his true identity was exposed in September, by the clues he left out on his own mind you, that's when he started censoring his blog. And then he started going around, doing damage control, saying to stop the insanity... Because it was hurting his scheme, and discerning minds saw right through this, and his 'worldwide' conference registrations dropped. Had he been honest from the truth, he'd never have to deal with this backlash. But as they say, you get what you ask for...
Unknown 11/17

This forum http://www.enablethelight.com keeps track of the comments that have been removed from Cobra's blog. You will see that Cobra is deleting harmless questions, anything that can expose his true face. So don't tell us that he is filtering filthy trolls. It's also very obvious to anyone who follows his comments closely that he is posting "positive" comments under different accounts. Sometimes it's just ridiculously obvious and seriously pathetic.
Unknown 11/17

Said comment box was replaced by a chatango group chat at ascensionwithearth.com
and I decided to copy that idea and add such a group chat box here at this blog also. :-)

Very soon after that, someone calling himself/herself bubu
posted another confirming message about that very same subject
in my brand new chat box. :-)

TF blog group chat:

Mon Nov 26, 4:43:49 pm
bubu: http://hearthaware.wordpress.com/2012/10/05/lidentita-di-cobra-finalmente-svelata/

Mon Nov 26, 4:45:27 pm
bubu: Notizia ufficiale (datami sottobanco da anonimi partecipanti alla conferenza di Torino): Cobra È Ishtar Antares.
It seems to be written in Italian.
Google translator translates the text of the second post to:
Official news (given to me under the table by anonymous participants at the conference in Turin): Cobra is Ishtar Antares.

I guess, I'll leave you with this so far.

More speculations, like COBRA also being [connected to] Alaje,
can be found at Re: Chat - people at C's and the following posts in that thread.
- I must repeat here also, there are a lot of things I'd still like about Alaje.

Older post regarding COBRA should turn up here, if you filter/search for that label.
However I kind of hope, you'll be able to get over COBRA soon
and find more useful and pleasing subjects to contemplate. :-)


  1. As Rachel1217 @ ascensionwithearth.com pointed out, the hearthaware.wordpress.com link is [almost] a translation of a post from awh.
    There I found yet 2 other answers to the Freedom Box comment above, that someone saved there in a more permanent form:

    1. I'll add the core (the answers themselves) here, so they are close to the other parts of the collection. ;-)

      True! Try it for yourself and post this comment on Cobra's blog, it will be removed within seconds. I dont trust americankabuki either, he is censoring everything that people say about Cobra, he is very pro-Cobra and this is a red flag to me.
      Unknown 11/16 1:37pm

      Nobody can comment on his page because he censors any information that questions his con game. Same with american kabuki. He censors as well so i no longer trust that site either but I realized long ago that Cobra was just a con man in my opinion.
      Unknown 11/16 11:23am

  2. Considering the idea, that Cobra did not make a lot of money, by the conferences:

    that may be true if only looking at the conference fees,
    but it might look a little different, when looking at the extras he sold there:

    like expensive crystals or special treatments.

    As I mentioned in an earlier post, caring for some income as such,
    may be not too wrong at this time - although we probably should now get out of this corrupting money paradigm!
    Everyone should be able to live a decent life!

    On the other hand, that does point towards another aspect,
    how COBRA (identified by multiple sources as Ishtar Antares)
    did misrepresent himself - in other words is trying to deceive us.

    I concluded from the impressions relayed to me, that he is in the influence of "non physical" entities.

    At the same time we have deception rather then revelation.
    Need I say more?

  3. If you found here, you may also be interested in this post
    about Cobra on Coast 2 Coast AM.

    You may perhaps already know the interview and be more interested
    in the comments of the readers. ;-)

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