
2013-01-25 Help, the life energy

Someone calling me out for assuming, she "needed help" and thereby insinuating she was "nuts", inspired me to write about that.

Help is assistance to accomplish a goal or purpose
or to overcome some trouble or difficulties - which is not really that special when talking about
any kind of attainment or accomplishment at all.

I dare say, with anything that works, functions or accomplishes anything in any way,
there is a multitude of help (or helpful connections ...) involved.

What's wrong when f.e. someone (literally) gives you a hand to make it easier to step up somewhere,
climbing out of a gondola or swimming pool or climbing onto a bus with steep steps.

Isn't it also help when someone provides you with something?:
A meal, food, gadget, raw material, energy, ...
Even the earth, sun, plants ... help us in such or other ways.

The rigidness of the stem of a cooking spoon helps to be able to move it's lower part
- to be moved by it's upper part.

I'd say our whole reality can be viewed in terms of help - there may be nothing, it can not be found in
- the reason things do fall apart, crumble to dust, ... may very well be
that help is not working, no longer available or feasible in such instances.

We - including you, are victims of perversions (of reality).

"Needing help" - perhaps the most natural if not fundamental thing of all our functioning reality,
is painted as something derogatory like "being nuts" ...
Getting people to try and prove that they are not "nuts" = "do not need help" (in any way),
by refusing help = contributing to letting things fall apart, letting destruction take it's course ...

Of course, there is yet another aspect significantly involved in the trouble with help
- the perversion of help - fraudulent help - something else, mislabeled as "help".

You may go to your doctor, to get help with some discomfort - he perhaps gives you a diagnosis
and puts you on some type of medication - not meant to heal you, but keep you creating financial
income for the pharma industry...

It doesn't necessarily have to be that way.

Here I see the trouble introduced by financial systems - you have to collect tokens (monetary units),
in order to (in doubt) be able to overpower others - by paying the higher price,
or last longer in this game of musical chairs created by debts and interests ...

It mostly matters even little how you got into the "possession" of those tokens (monetary units),
especially if you seem to be in a position of power already...

So you have a situation involving money - now you don't know if the interest in collecting money,
creating income, ... outweighs or is even compatible with helping you.

Using the easy example of a physician again - you don't know, if the treatment,
he says you must have, is for your best interest - or even good for you at all,
or only good for creating additional income for others.

So you have a situation where you "can not trust others" to help you.
- a situation perverting help.

Help is the second name of the life energy required by all of us
- unless we want things to fall apart.

The free flow of this help/life energy determines health and how good things can function.

I'd like to add a speech by Michael Tellinger, I recently came across and posted in the cat box,
as it somehow does fit together with this post.

'Michael Tellinger' - Michael Tellinger - UBUNTU Presentation - Durban 3 Nov 2012

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