
2012-09-25 COBRA and the "Church of Scientology"?

I just stumbled upon a comment at COBRAs blog,
apparently made by a member of the "Church of Scientology",
who seems to associate himself with COBRA.

I consider it more than interesting, if COBRA would perhaps
himself be associated with the "Church of Scientology"
and I would consider it highly suspicious, if COBRA
would just avoid that question, or say, it was his private matter...

lecox September 24, 2012 9:56 PM:
"Cobra: I do not care who you are and have no particular reason to doubt your integrity.

But you DO bring up a VERY important point, and this point is too little discussed. I would be interested to know what some of your contacts think about this:

Does removing the Cabal end insanity on earth?


2012-09-03 The spirit of a wonderful future for all

Today I will remind you of a great vision, one of our wonderful visionaries had proposed.

Please have a look at "Charlie Chaplin final speech in The Great Dictator" (Youtube 04:55).

You can save a little time, by jumping directly to 01:08, if you like.

Update 2013-01-11: I suggest, you visit my other post to view the video or find it somewhere else,
as the one instance pointed to by the above link was censored $%...%$!
2013-01-11 Police & Military - Time to Choose

"... the airoplane and the radio have brought us closer together ..."
- and do not forget the internet. :-)

I like the spirit of his message and I believe, we should all embrace it!


2012-09-01 Free speech vs. "the right not to be offended"

A friend of mine once talked about "the right to free speech" vs. "the right not to be offended".

He explained that people can [choose to] be offended by anything!

And therefore a "right not to be offended" would not only be mutually exclusive with
a "right to free speech", but actually impossible!

One can easily (and probably even truthfully) claim, to be offended,
by his/her right to free speech taken away,
because another got his "right not to be offended" enforced.
Those expecting a profit by telling lies,
would probably choose to be offended, by anyone exposing the truth about them...