
2016-01-14 A summary about anarchy and the tools of the archons

(Material mostly reproduced from a posted comment of mine)

Archons are beings who think they own others
 - slave masters,
ones who would bring about or perpetuate slavery.

They may like to do that in the open,
but as the spirit of the times does not quite allow that,
they employ covert means and deception.

The definition of anarchy I condensed, mostly with the help of Mark Passio's work, is:
"The absence of beings who think they own others", "No slave masters", "No slavery".
Mark also likes to use the term "anarchonism" instead.

The powers that should not be, like the people's understanding be confounded... in order to keep them confused and docile.
They like to keep people in FEAR - what a "coincidence" that is also an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. ;)
They also seem to like it when they can somehow get people to desire things that are not good for them...

Their power lies mostly in hidden knowledge they sequestered from the people, that they use to manipulate them.
"Totalitarian tip toe", "false flags" and "problem, reaction, solution" are parts of their methodology,
but also trauma based mind control, pedophilia and blackmail.

Money is another instrument to get people to do things they otherwise would not do
- and they most probably should not do anyways!,
it is the religion to destroy peoples sense of real values - like truth, freedom, compassion, ...,
the artificial construct to destroy the natural...
another function of money is to create huge "wealth" inequalities and artificial scarcities...

One of the basic keynotes of trouble is misplacement (of resources):
too much of something in one place, to little of it in another place;
drowts in some places, floods in other places;
crude oil at the beach, fluoride in "drinking water"...