
2013-09-12 Some interesting alternative viewpoints

'WeAreChange' - Distinguished U.S Marine Stands Up for American People and 9/11 Truth

2013-09-12 Tyranny and ... something very different

(Sometimes I find nice inspirational things. ;) At least I corrected some typos. :) )

Bully's idea of a perfect world:
  he is king and no one is entitled to even talk back at him.

His definition of "freedom":
  he is completely free to do whatever he likes with others,
  who are all his possessions or slaves.

Believe it or not,
but there is a difference in the original definitions of
aggression and defense!

In an ideal world, justice is about minimizing harm and violence
to such a degree, that it's performance usually will not even look violent.

A true solution of a problem usually makes itself redundant.

It requires a world,
where you can safely make yourself
- the work that you are doing anyways -