
2013-02-07 Do not attack someone who is not being violent

I like this guy's way of talking about the common sense principle
named "non aggression principle" by many.

While there may be more to learn, this is still something, that I consider very basic.

'StormCloudsGathering' - After America Collapses - Part II - The Constitution in Perspective

Have you ever heard about the "golden rule"?
Treat others as you like to be treated.
Don't do unto others, what you don't want to be done to yourself.
Notice any similarities or relatedness to the "non aggression principle"?

Some of the native American peoples... (thinking about "Red Indians" f.e. now),
may have had incorporated such principles quite a bit better than the ones that arrived later.
...  Still more thinking... to be done ...


2013-02-05 Bill Donahue - The Devil Made Me Do it

Fortune has just pointed me to this interesting video.

'Bill Donahue' - 476 The Devil Made Me Do it

This may contribute to dissolving some of your programming.

Some quotes from the video, that caught my attention (due to recent encounters of my own):

"The devil is the terrible power of misunderstanding everything."
"The devil is the power of wrongly connecting everything."

"You get rid of anybody who questions - and everybody follows the drum."