
2012-12-17 Dr. Steven Greer : The Truth About the End of NASA's Shuttle Program - (September 23rd, 2011)

Dr. Steven Greer : The Truth About the End of NASA's Shuttle Program - (September 23rd, 2011)
Update 2013-02-07: The video is no longer available at the original location as that channels account was closed for some alleged "copyright infringement" reasons.

But I found another instance of it here:
(At least I'm guessing it is that same video.)

'Energiereichtum' - 2011-09-23 | Dr. Ted Loder, Dr. Steven Greer: The real story about the end of NASA's shuttle program


2012-12-15 Other dots from the field of education

I just stumbled upon this video, of someone, who seems to be a true, wholehearted teacher,
who left the public school system.
He gives his reasons in this video - quite enlightening!

'Stephen Round' - RI Teacher Says"I Quit!"

Just thinking about it, maybe, I'll add another related video.

2012-12-15 Rant: Brainwashed irrational earth humans

This may appear to be a rant.

If you don't like that, this may still be an opportunity
for you to stop reading and close this posting - now,
before it is too late. ;-) - continue reading on you own responsibility only!



2012-12-14 If and why

If we work together and support each other, we can accomplish anything.

We can not survive - there is hardly any point in even trying to - if we do not.


2012-12-11 Freedom of speech

If you don't have freedom of speech, it seems rather probable,
that you don't have any freedom at all.

It is the lie, that needs to make the truth unavailable in order to persist.

2012-12-11 The law

The law should be something inspired by the golden rule.
Something to the extent of "do no harm".

What you currently may refer to as laws appear to be arbitrary regulations,
that have a strong tendency to violate the law.

When you enforce victim-less "crimes", the harm is really done by the enforcer.
In such a case the probability points to the enforcement being the real crime.

The only justified "enforcement" is some that minimizes the harm done.

Shouldn't we all contribute to that?

Did I overlook some important aspects?


2012-12-04 Competition - Making others fail in order to win

Practically all evils that we face today can in some way be attributed to the principle
of "making others fail in order to win".

Alfie Kohn describes the principle of competition as
"I can only win, if you loose", mentioning examples like golf or bowling.

He describes the more extreme form of this as
"I can only win, if I make you loose", mentioning examples like tennis and war.

At least in that description I do agree with Alfie Kohn, that competition is aggression.


2012-12-02 The Zeitgeist Movement - "Defining Peace" lecture

I just stumbled upon this and thought, it could be inspirational ...
for others as well.

'Linguistic Team International' - The Zeitgeist Movement - "Defining Peace" lecture

Published 01.03.2012 by LinguisticTeamIntl
Lecture given at the end segment of the Tel Aviv, Israel / Mid-East TZM Event which occurred on Feb 6th 2012. The lecturer is Peter Joseph.

The Zeitgeist Movement: